"What Suicide Leaves Behind" on Ask the Professional
Michael talks with Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva from Advocate2Create about suicide
741 741 (text)
App: A Friend Asks
Language Sets intention
By: Michelle Hart, LMHC
A2C Therapist
Watch and listen as mental health therapist Michelle Hart discusses how language helps shape reality and can be a powerful tool when used intentionally. She offers positive coping skills and tips on how to navigate your mental health and life more intentionally, including your personal goals.
Language Sets intention
By: Michelle Hart, LMHC
A2C Therapist
Watch and listen as mental health therapist Michelle Hart discusses how language helps shape reality and can be a powerful tool when used intentionally. She offers positive coping skills and tips on how to navigate your mental health and life more intentionally, including your personal goals.
New Year Goals
By: Michelle Hart, LMHC
A2C Therapist
Watch and listen to Michelle Hart's newest video addressing goals and mental health intentionality for 2021. Michelle offers tips and positive coping skills on how to set your year up for complete success.
Type of Anxiety: Mind Reading
By: Michelle Hart, LMHC
A2C Therapist
Michelle Hart, licensed mental health counselor, continues to discuss the series on "Types of Anxiety." In this video, she specifically addresses "Mind Reading" and ways to cope with it. Watch, like, and share this video. Also, subscribe and follow to "A2C Talk" youtube page, Facebook (Advocate2Createllc), and IG (@Advocate2Create) for more similar content.
Types of Anxiety
By: Michelle Hart, LMHC
Stop, listen, and take notes as psychotherapist, Michelle Hart, introduces different types of anxiety using examples. If you want more content like this, like this video and subscribe to our A2C Talk page on YouTube as well as Advocate2Create's IG page: @advocate2create. Enjoy!!
Influence of Social Media on Your Emotions
By: Michelle Hart, LMHC
A2C Therapist
Watch, like, subscribe, and share Michelle Hart's latest therapy video on the "Influence of Social Media on Your Emotions" where she provides the pros and cons of social media on your mental health.
Lets Talk Mental Health
By: Michelle Hart, LMHC
A2C Therapist
Meet our A2C's therapist Michelle Hart, as she discusses her personal and professional relationship with mental health, talks about her ideal clients and issues to address, and offers some key coping skills that align to how she works as a therapist in the therapy room.
Holiday Tips
By: Michelle Hart, LMHC
A2C Therapist
Therapist Michelle Hart offers tips and tools on how to cope with the upcoming holidays to protect your mental health.

Listen to the interview with Dr. Timerman Barbosa da Silva from Advocate2Create by Chris from Business Talk Radio on July 6, 2020.

IAP – Intenção, Ação, e Percepção
By Patricia Timerman, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | October 9, 2018
IAP – Intenção, Ação, e Percepção Quantas vezes a gente faz coisas com a melhor das intenções mas terminamos com desentendimentos e brigas? Este problema, ou desentendimento, infelizmente é muito comum em nossas vidas, mas não é impossível de resolver. Ele só requere que a gente entenda a relação entro Intenção, Ação, e Percepção, ou…

El IAP – Intención, Acción, y Percepción
By Patricia Timerman, , LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | October 9, 2018
El IAP – Intención, Acción, y Percepción ¿Cuántas veces nosotros hacemos las cosas con la mejor de las intenciones pero terminamos con desentendimientos y peleas? Este problema, o desentendimiento, desafortunadamente es muy común en nuestras vidas, pero no es imposible de resolver. Él sólo requiere que la gente entienda la relación entre la Intención, Acción,…

From Juggling to Balancing Life: Concepts, Strategies, and Coping Skills
By Patricia Timerman, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | June 27, 2018
From Juggling to Balancing Life: Concepts, Strategies, and Coping Skills In our lives we learn to juggle the multiple identities that make up who we are: daughter, sons, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, partners, friends, bosses, employees, students, teachers…. Just stop and think for a moment, how many identities do you have? Take me for…

Meet Patricia Timerman Barbosa da Silva of Advocate2Create in Miami and Hollywood
Article by
"So, as you know, we’re impressed with Advocate2Create – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.Advocate2Create, A2C for short, emerged from my desire to have a platform for advocacy through psychoeducation, as I truly believe the best way to advocate is to educate and share our knowledge and resources. As A2C started to grow, so did its focus, implementing psychotherapy – being individual, family, couples, and group – and clinical evaluations for Immigrants purposes.
I have two specializations, one is composing clinical evaluations and doing psychoeducational training in matters of immigration. While attending my masters at Barry University, I worked at an immigration law firm, Jacob L. Ratzan, P.A. There, I was exposed to several different immigration matters, such as VAWA, U-Visa, Asylum, T-Visa, Hardship Waivers and more. I learned the legal aspects of these visas and worked with families in the pursuit of their visas. This experience made me realize the importance of therapy in the world of immigration, as I worked with victims of domestic violence in their VAWA cases and victims of hate crimes who sought asylum among others. A2C actually started as a psychoeducational and consultation services platform where I taught mental health clinicians and first responders about the different immigration visas, breaking myths and barriers so we can empower our community.
My other specialization is grief therapy, specially suicide grief. I did my internship and then worked at the 1800-SUICIDE post-graduation. After starting A2C and leaving the 1800-SUICIDE, I started to volunteer at the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention – FISP – as a facilitator for their Miami Survivor of Suicide Loss group, where I have been volunteering for the past seven years. Around the same time, I began my PhD, and I decided to focus my studies on suicide grief. Although I have been professionally immersed in the world of suicide (prevention, intervention, and mainly postvention), it was not until August of 2014 that I became a survivor of suicide myself, losing my dear fried Scott Spradley to suicide. Scott was the person who was with me at the Starbucks on West Avenue when I create the domain Advocate2Create and together we create my logo. Going back to the question about my specializations, I have been working with immigration from a psychotherapist perspective and with suicide grief for almost eight years now and have become known for these two specializations within my community.
As for my company, I am proud of what it has become. A2C is a multicultural space, honoring differences rather than silencing or ignoring them. We serve as a platform to help empower people, using our W.A.C.A. model – With Awareness Comes Action – to guide and facilitate change. A2C’s growth is greatly attributed to the collaborative and supportive work of A2C’s Clinical Director, Jeanevra Pearson, LMFT. Jeanevra is a wonderful clinician and amazing friend who is constantly looking at ways to have A2C better serve our clients, our network or professionals, and our community at large."
To read the entire article, go to Meet Patricia Timerman Barbosa da Silva of Advocate2Create in Miami and Hollywood.

In Memory of all of Those who have Died by Suicide
By Patricia Timerman, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | June 8, 2018
In Memory of all of Those who have Died by Suicide We are saddened to hear about the death of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. We wish their family and friends, as well as their fans, much strength, wellness, and support during this time. Death by suicide is undiscriminating. Losing someone to suicide is…

Dating Myself – On Fire To Inspire PodCast
By Patricia Timerman, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | July 4, 2018
Dating Myself – On Fire To Inspire PodCast Watch the February 2018 video podcast of Advocate2Create with On Fire To Inspire Network entitled “Dating Myself.” In this video you get to meet A2C therapists Patricia Timerman and Jeanevra Pearson as they talk with Aleigha Butler about the relationship we have with the Self.

Transition into Your New Normal – On Fire To Inspire PodCast
By Patricia Timerman, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | June 20, 2018
Transition into Your New Normal – On Fire To Inspire PodCast Listen to the podcast that A2C’s therapists Patricia Timerman and Jeanevra Pearson did with Aleigha Butler on her platform On Fire to Inspire. This podcast discusses people’s transitions into their new normal, such as separation, divorce, domestic violence survivorship, moving to a new…
"What Suicide Leaves Behind" on Ask the Professional
Michael talks with Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva from Advocate2Create about suicide
741 741 (text)
App: A Friend Asks
Rule of Three Inetepretations (RO3I):
By: Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva, LMHC, LMFT, QS, NCC
Perception is Reality, so why not chose the one that serves you best. The Rule of Three Interpretations (RO3I) helps you do just that.
Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa da Silva (Dr. T) created the RO3I as part of the IAP - Intention Action Perception framework she developed in 2018. The RO3I helps us differentiate between facts and perceptions/assumptions, allowing us to choose the perception that best serves us. In this video, Dr. T described the rationale for her coping skill and how to use it.
For more information about services with Dr. T, visit: Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa da Silva, LMHC, LMFT, QS, NCC (305)482-3366

Listen to the interview with Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva from Advocate2Create by Chris from Business Talk Radio on July 6, 2020.

IAP – Intenção, Ação, e Percepção
By Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | October 9, 2018
IAP – Intenção, Ação, e Percepção Quantas vezes a gente faz coisas com a melhor das intenções mas terminamos com desentendimentos e brigas? Este problema, ou desentendimento, infelizmente é muito comum em nossas vidas, mas não é impossível de resolver. Ele só requere que a gente entenda a relação entro Intenção, Ação, e Percepção, ou…

El IAP – Intención, Acción, y Percepción
By Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva, , LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | October 9, 2018
El IAP – Intención, Acción, y Percepción ¿Cuántas veces nosotros hacemos las cosas con la mejor de las intenciones pero terminamos con desentendimientos y peleas? Este problema, o desentendimiento, desafortunadamente es muy común en nuestras vidas, pero no es imposible de resolver. Él sólo requiere que la gente entienda la relación entre la Intención, Acción,…
The IAP – Intention, Action, & Perception
By Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | July 20, 2018
The IAP – Intention, Action, & Perception How many times we do things with the best of intentions just to find ourselves in the worse of consequences? Why does it feel that sometimes our words or actions, even though coming from a good place, seem to get lost in translations and we end up with…

With Awareness Comes Action
Interview with Go Solo by Team Subkit
"Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa da Silva, Founder of Advocate2Create, located in Miami, FL, USA."
Click on the link below to read the interview:

Meet Patricia Timerman Barbosa da Silva of Advocate2Create in Miami and Hollywood
Article by
"So, as you know, we’re impressed with Advocate2Create – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.Advocate2Create, A2C for short, emerged from my desire to have a platform for advocacy through psychoeducation, as I truly believe the best way to advocate is to educate and share our knowledge and resources. As A2C started to grow, so did its focus, implementing psychotherapy – being individual, family, couples, and group – and clinical evaluations for Immigrants purposes.
I have two specializations, one is composing clinical evaluations and doing psychoeducational training in matters of immigration. While attending my masters at Barry University, I worked at an immigration law firm, Jacob L. Ratzan, P.A. There, I was exposed to several different immigration matters, such as VAWA, U-Visa, Asylum, T-Visa, Hardship Waivers and more. I learned the legal aspects of these visas and worked with families in the pursuit of their visas. This experience made me realize the importance of therapy in the world of immigration, as I worked with victims of domestic violence in their VAWA cases and victims of hate crimes who sought asylum among others. A2C actually started as a psychoeducational and consultation services platform where I taught mental health clinicians and first responders about the different immigration visas, breaking myths and barriers so we can empower our community.
My other specialization is grief therapy, specially suicide grief. I did my internship and then worked at the 1800-SUICIDE post-graduation. After starting A2C and leaving the 1800-SUICIDE, I started to volunteer at the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention – FISP – as a facilitator for their Miami Survivor of Suicide Loss group, where I have been volunteering for the past seven years. Around the same time, I began my PhD, and I decided to focus my studies on suicide grief. Although I have been professionally immersed in the world of suicide (prevention, intervention, and mainly postvention), it was not until August of 2014 that I became a survivor of suicide myself, losing my dear fried Scott Spradley to suicide. Scott was the person who was with me at the Starbucks on West Avenue when I create the domain Advocate2Create and together we create my logo. Going back to the question about my specializations, I have been working with immigration from a psychotherapist perspective and with suicide grief for almost eight years now and have become known for these two specializations within my community.
As for my company, I am proud of what it has become. A2C is a multicultural space, honoring differences rather than silencing or ignoring them. We serve as a platform to help empower people, using our W.A.C.A. model – With Awareness Comes Action – to guide and facilitate change. A2C’s growth is greatly attributed to the collaborative and supportive work of A2C’s Clinical Director, Jeanevra Pearson, LMFT. Jeanevra is a wonderful clinician and amazing friend who is constantly looking at ways to have A2C better serve our clients, our network or professionals, and our community at large."
To read the entire article, go to Meet Patricia Timerman Barbosa da Silva of Advocate2Create in Miami and Hollywood.
What is Therapy?
By Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | August 15, 2018
What is Therapy? Meet our A2C therapists Patricia Timerman and Jeanevra Pearson as they have a brief discussion on what is therapy?

In Memory of all of Those who have Died by Suicide
By Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | June 8, 2018
In Memory of all of Those who have Died by Suicide We are saddened to hear about the death of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. We wish their family and friends, as well as their fans, much strength, wellness, and support during this time. Death by suicide is undiscriminating. Losing someone to suicide is…

Dating Myself – On Fire To Inspire PodCast
By Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | July 4, 2018
Dating Myself – On Fire To Inspire PodCast Watch the February 2018 video podcast of Advocate2Create with On Fire To Inspire Network entitled “Dating Myself.” In this video you get to meet A2C therapists Patricia Timerman and Jeanevra Pearson as they talk with Aleigha Butler about the relationship we have with the Self.

Transition into Your New Normal – On Fire To Inspire PodCast
By Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | June 20, 2018
Transition into Your New Normal – On Fire To Inspire PodCast Listen to the podcast that A2C’s therapists Patricia Timerman and Jeanevra Pearson did with Aleigha Butler on her platform On Fire to Inspire. This podcast discusses people’s transitions into their new normal, such as separation, divorce, domestic violence survivorship, moving to a new…

From Juggling to Balancing Life: Concepts, Strategies, and Coping Skills
By Dr. Patricia Timerman Barbosa Da Silva, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, Executive Director of A2C | June 27, 2018
From Juggling to Balancing Life: Concepts, Strategies, and Coping Skills In our lives we learn to juggle the multiple identities that make up who we are: daughter, sons, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, partners, friends, bosses, employees, students, teachers…. Just stop and think for a moment, how many identities do you have? Take me for…